Plan, Do, Share Mobile App

2023 - Figma


Plan, Do, Share, was a culmination of various ideas brought from stakeholders. The ask was to create an app based on user feedback that could enhance Garmin Connect’s social features to create a social planning app that utilized the hardware we sell. The goals were to essentially plan an activity, do an activity, and share an activity, hence Plan, Do, Share (PDS).

Defining User Needs & Stories

I started by meeting with various stakeholders to identify their needs and see if they had any thoughts on what they might want this to look like. After brainstorming with them, I created an affinity diagram to prioritize and organize their thoughts and find where they aligned.

My findings were that they wanted to create an app where users could plan events together, complete the activity while live-sharing their Garmin fitness data, and compare their results once the activity was over.

I specified what kind of events this app was intended for

Types of events:
Single-use pre-planned activity (KC Marathon)
- Create channel to share event details, anyone can join with code, code should stay the same for flyers,
Pre-planned reoccurring activity (Hiking on Tuesdays, Diving on Thursdays, anyone in the group can join)
- Create channel that holds reoccurring activities, could add multiple types of activities, you can add specific friends to the group and share invite code w/ new people
Group with Ad hock events (Friend group that might want to do an activity together at some point)
- Create Channel that holds specific friends, friends can add activities later or share without an activity

Next I identified additional needs

Create “Server” and individual channels for chats
add single or recurring events
add multiple events in a channel
send temporary or long term invite code so people can join your channel
maybe a code with an expiration date?
Send a link to auto add people instead of making them type in the invite code?
Change sharing settings
Shouldn’t need an activity to share data or chat
Can you Garmin Airdrop the code to people in the area? Would you need to?
Have the ability to leave a group, or remove people from group
RSVP for activities if requested (Scenario A & B)
Should say how many people are in the group
Assign Roles in “server”
“person” has joined “server” alerts

Market Research

Before I started to design how we might want this product to look and feel, I looked into how other apps handle certain features. I made sure to look at competitor planning and social apps such as Facebook Events, Apple & Google Calendars, Discord, and Facebook Messenger. To handle the live sharing features, I checked out Life360 and Apple Maps. I also made sure to check out the other apps in Garmin’s ecosystem to make sure this app would fit in well and could utilize some existing technology.

Whiteboard Sketching

After completing my initial research and defining expectations, I started to sketch up some concepts on the whiteboard to discuss with my team.

Final Design Proposal

After several rounds of design and feedback from various team members and stakeholders, this is the concept work I presented to our directors. It was perceived very well and was recommended to move forward to development with the app team.


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